Please let us know about your travel.
We will send you the link of daily driving map which you choose!
*The person in charge will check your booking ID manually and email you driving map link. Please wait 24 hours.
*Since "Drive Japan" earns the commission from rental car company "Nippon Rent-A-Car" and the hotel booking website "agoda" as revenue, we can provide our service for free. Please understand that we can accept booking from Nippon Rent-A-Car only at the point of this time.
Nippon Rent-A-Car Application No.
Please let us know rental car application number which you booked.
Please let us know agoda Booking ID which you booked.
*There are 2 ID entry fields as below, but if your will stay1 night only, please input just 1 night ID.
*If you stay same accommodation for consecutive 2 nights, please input same booking ID.
*Please understand that we can accept booking ID of agoda only at the point of this time.